A message from the Chairman
Hybrid Rugby has appointed Paul Franks as new Chairman, replacing Phil Franks due to health reasons.
I’d like to welcome you to a wonderful concept called Hybrid Rugby, which as the name suggests is a hybrid game of Rugby League and Rugby Union.
First and foremost I would like to assure you that there is absolutely no suggestion or intention to create unification between the codes. That would be undesirable and totally impractical and we would never have any part in that suggestion.
Hybrid Rugby Promo – SEE FOR YOURSELF!
‘Rules of Rugby League’ and the ‘Laws of Rugby Union’
Hybrid Donates to Starlight

Previous Hybrid chairman Phil Franks presents a cheque for $5000 to the Starlight Foundation. The organisers of Hybrid Rugby are hoping to raise a total of $100,000 from the event for the Starlight foundation.
Hybrid Rugby-2GB
Listen to Chris Smith interview Mark Ella on upcoming Hybrid game.
“It would simply be irresistible television”
“The administrator who knocks back that sort of cash may end up feeling like the drummer who knocked back the gig with the Beatles”